The Weirdest Toronto Real Estate Stories from 2012

Yes, it’s the start of a brand new year, brand new happenings in the marketplace, and we’re sure that 2013 will be able to conjure up some pretty weird and wacky real estate stories of their own. In the meantime, now that 2012 and all that goes with it is officially behind us, here are some of the weirdest real estate stories that we saw last year.

The garage worth about $100,000
No this wasn’t some uber-cool former garage-turned-studio-apartment in the downtown core. This was a bona fide garage leading out onto an alleyway on Toronto’s Lynd Avenue. Although according to the listing, the official address is 81 Rear Lynd Avenue. All that you want in a garage is here, including the absence of utilities, the graffiti stained walls, and well, just a general unkempt appearance. It’s asking price? $99,999. The largest offer received? $85,000. Still for sale, what’s the price now? It can be yours for a cool $79,000.

The Cabbagetown Concrete Nightmare
When Norm Rogers purchased the piece of property in Cabbagetown that was once a historic livery, it was under the condition that he restore it to its former beauty and showcase the history of this building. Since buying it from the city, Rogers has been hard at work trying to turn the historic building into – something. Anything, really. All that he’s accomplished so far is to anger neighbours, who are tired of looking at the concrete bunker with few doors or windows, and unsightly construction material always laying around. The City revoked Rogers’ permit this past August, but he says that he’s not given up on this project. He’s just going to have to apply for a new permit. That means that this one may just end up on the list of weird real estate stories in 2013, too.

The House on Stilts
It’s a house. That’s a cube. And that stands on stilts. How much weirder could you get? How about the fact that the buyer paid over $125,000 more than the asking price to get it. This extremely different home (which looks like a tall, narrow tower painted in block colours,) was just what artist Samantha Turnbull was looking for – and she got it. To see for yourself, this home is located on Lansdowne Avenue, and went for just about half a million dollars.